
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby Boy

A  poem inspired when my oldest son was graduating high school. I envision it as a picture book.

Baby Boy
Baby Boy was born and Mom was glad, and she introduced him to his dad. He was such a handsome lad. Baby Boy was born and Mom was glad.
They both loved their baby boy. They bought him every baby toy. Their house was filled with so much joy. How they loved their baby boy.
Life was busy, life was fun, as he learned to walk and run. Faster, faster he would go, never wanting to go slow. Life was busy, life was fun as he learned to walk and run.
He learned to talk, and learned to sing, learned to yell and learned to scream. Oh, the happiness he did bring, when he learned to talk, and learned to sing.
He loved to swing high at the park, and play in the creek until dark. He worked puzzles, and played guitar, and built block bridges for his car.
When he was five he went to school, there he learned the golden rule. He thought he was very cool, when he was five and went to school.
Baby Boy learned to read and write. He practiced both most every night. He learned his left hand from his right. Dad thought he was very bright when Baby Boy learned to read and write.
As time went by, he grew real tall. His mom made marks along the wall. He started out so very small. But as time went by, he grew real tall.
He caught fireflies in a jar, and hit a baseball very far. On his arm, he got a scar, when he fell off the monkey bar.
He grew and grew and his feet did too, until he wore a size 12 shoe. People said, “Those things are huge!” as he grew and grew and his feet did too.
He played loud music and sang along, and let his hair grow very long. He lifted weights so he'd get strong while he played loud music and sang along.
When he learned to drive at seventeen, he went to places he’d never seen. His life was busy as a teen, when he learned to drive at seventeen.
He went to movies, and to the mall, and to high-school dances in the fall. To football games, and out to eat, pizza was his favorite treat.
After high school graduation, his family said congratulations. He moved into a new location, after high school graduation.
He went to college to learn some more. One day a girl walked through the door. His feelings he could not ignore. “She’s the one!” he said for sure. “She’s the one that I adore.”
He got a good job and saved some money. He bought a house where it was sunny. Then he said, “Will you marry me, Honey?” I got a good job and saved some money.
Their house was filled with love to spare. He had so much he wanted to share. It felt empty. It felt bare. He had more love he wanted to share.
In his backyard every day, he wished for a child so they could play. My own little boy, he would say, in his backyard every day.
Now his home is filled with joy, and every kind of baby toy. Everyday he will enjoy, with his brand new…Baby Boy.

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